Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let Go of Type Prejudice

We've all had bad experience with some of the types. We've either been in unhappy personal or work relationships or certain types are a challenge because they are so opposite of our own type. For instance a 9 peacemaker might be threatened by a 8 who is direct. Then again, 9s can like things direct if the approach is somewhat peaceful, open or connecting.

All types are equally deficient and wonderful. The ego is demanding and limiting and anyone stuck in ego can be a challenge. Life certainly can challenge us at times. Limit your contact with someone's "type" if it's too much but don't assume it's the type only. It's more about maturity and experience than type that's likely upsetting you.

Appreciate what each type offers even if some parts are difficult. Don't take for granted what each type offers that supports you.

Attempt to develop each of the 9 types in yourself and the "difficulty" of each type will be easier. Compassion always helps a lot and much compassion is needed as each type struggles trying to make life fit its type.

The best solution is letting go more and more of your ego and type and be more typeless and spiritually oriented. Practice each day to let go of the demand that you have to have all your type needs met. Incorporate each of the 9 parts of you and find ways to relate well to each type.

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