Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Enneagram Subtype Quiz


PART I. We all have the following three basic Survival Instinct Areas:

Self-preservation Subtype

Relates to your relationship to your basic survival instinct - food/shelter/clothing, security, money, safety, health, planning for the future, the home, comfort, room temperature, etc. It can include concern in these areas for people close to you.

Social Subtype

Relates to the herd instinct - how you fit into the group, whether you feel included or excluded, your social ranking, your social image, seeing yourself as related to others, family, groups, organizations, the world, identifying through a group, how you are in meeting others and your comfort level with groups

Relationship (or 1 to 1 or Sexual) Subtype

Relates to your mating instinct - your desire for bonding, intimacy with a close other, sexuality, a tendency toward intensity, strong energy, merging, depth, seeking self through another, wanting special experiences or mystical spiritual experiences, etc.

Answer the questions below to reveal how each of the instinct (or subtype) categories shows up in your life. The more "yes" answers, the more the subtype tends to be your dominant subtype.

Self -preservation (Need to protect and preserve)

1. Do you tend to save money and are cautious about spending it?

2. Are you security oriented? Ready to protect yourself, those close to you and your resources?

3. Are you fairly consistent? Like things known and regular? No big changes?

4. Do you dislike taking big risks unless it's a "sure" thing?

5. Are you fairly private? Not revealing too much to strangers?

6. Do you tend to be introverted?

7. Do you understand money? Securities? Investments?

8. Do you tend to plan for the future? Ready for emergencies?

9. Are you concerned about health? Safety? Comfort? Home? Hearth?

10. Are you worried about what may go wrong? Tend to imagine worse case scenarios?

11. Do you like things spelled out? Details? Exact information? Guarantees?

12. In relationships do you take care of others financially?

Social (Need for Social Validation) - Can show up with strong focus on groups, organizations, family, world, friends, your surroundings, your social image

1. Do you need or really like social validation?

2. Is social image important to you?

3. Do you have desires/fantasies of being rewarded in a social or public arena?

4. Do you think about your affect on others, groups, organizations, and the world?

5. Is it very important to you to look good in public, groups, work, and the world? Is name recognition important, either yours or others?

6. Are you upset if you don't get enough validation, reward for the hard and creative work you do in a social context or for a social cause?

7. Are you involved in groups, organizations and team oriented activities?

8. Is belonging to special groups or being a leader of a group important to you?

9. Are you strongly upset if you feel not included or rejected by a group or family or not invited to a social event?

10. Do you make your money through your association with groups affecting a large number of people?

11. Do you get really upset if you make a social faux pas? Do you think about and plan out how you will be or present yourself in public?

12. Are you the social instigator and connector in your family?

Relationship (Need for 1 to 1 or Relationship Closeness)

1. Do you define yourself through a romantic or close partnership? Is closeness with another person of paramount importance?

2. Do you like intense energy, particularly in relating to people? Are you energized when you have a revealing conversation or engagement with another, particularly a special other?

3. Do you tend to focus more attention on close relationships than money?

4. Does money relate to how a partner will see you more than security for yourself?

5. Are money and resources less for self and more to please an intimate other?

6. Does your attention go more to how well you relate to a partner or potential partner than to other concerns?

7. Would others describe you as dramatic? Do you like to go deep with things?

8. Do you tend to be in the moment and not think as much about the future or your future security?

9. Do you have an urge to merge? Do you "lose yourself" with an important other at times?

10. Do you like risk taking? New experiences? Tend to get bored without enough stimulation particularly in the area of relationships?

11. Are you focused more on connection with another and forget your own priorities?

12. Do you focus a lot on sexuality, romantic fantasies or mystical spiritual experiences?

PART II. These areas will fall into a certain order for you, depending on how eachplays out in your life.

Dominant Subtype -
This is the instinct that concerns you the most. This is the one that you put the most effort into, that you struggle with and think about the most, that you try to be good at. It's the one that absorbs your mind the most and tends to throw you off center. On one hand you are good at it, on the other you often worry about it.

Middle Subtype -
This instinct is more natural and the easiest of the three subtype areas for you. It requires the least energy. You generally have fewer problems in this area of your life.

Last Subtype -
This is the instinct that you pay the least attention or even neglect. It's the one you try not to think about, that causes stress precisely because of your avoidance of it in your life.

There are six possible orders in which your subtypes may fall, but only one order that describes you most accurately throughout your life (not just as you are today). Which order feels right for you?







Please email your results - type and subtype order. You will be helping others in this research.

Herb Pearce, copyright 2009
781 648 3737, herb@herbpearce.com www.herbpearce.com


Harbor District Vintage said...

male 5w4, 23 - 1) self-preservational, 2) sexual, 3) social

female 4w3, 24 - 1) sexual, 2) social, 3) self-preservational

neat info, thanks. :)

Harbor District Vintage said...

oh p.s., 23 & 24 are ages, if that helps at all.