Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Gratitude is the cornerstone of spiritual growth. Many teachers say that if you focus on gratitude you will create a permanent state of enlightenment in no time. Many of us have experienced the positive energy shift that happens by focusing on what is working and what we are grateful for.

Each day, moment to moment, think about what is good in your life, who you are grateful for and put your attention on praise, appreciation, gratitude and thanks. Keep refocusing your awareness to that.

Call people and tell them what you appreciate, write notes or cards, keep your mind aware of beauty, support others, and pay attention to what is good. Think about and write gratitude lists (experiences, qualities, events, etc.) as much as you want.

See the value of difficult times with the rich learning that comes from growth. Help others, but not take control of others, in their process, and have compassion, patience and kindness in your actions - with a big pinch of acceptance for your humanness.

Herb Pearce
781 648 3737

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