Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gratitude plus quotes from clients


Focus on what is good or what you are grateful for at least, if not more than, what you complain about, worry about and are sad about. It's ok to be with those experiences too, but gratitude lifts you up and helps you see what is good and tends to attract more of that.

Make a list of what you are grateful for on a daily level, even hourly! and train your mind in that direction. Better yet, just approach everything from love and gratitude and life, people and experience will be drawn to your energy and essence. You might have to set limits though because people will be drawn to you!

You can say gratitude in your head or heart, speak it out loud to yourself or with friends, write it, tape it, draw it, whatever suits your fancy. It can be simple things. Here's my sample:

1) I'm grateful for contact lens
2) the great plant walks provided by Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation
3) parties my friends invite me too
4) all the people who attend my workshops
5) the fact that I can do yoga on an exercise tv show
6) that I attend great spiritual satsangs
7) that it's above freezing right now
8) that I'm vegetarian and that I go to great potlucks and raw food fests
9) that I'm relatively healthy
10) that I get to sing in the wonderful Family Folk Chorale

Make your list!

If you need suggestions to continue, email or call me.

Quotes from clients....

"Herb has an amazing ability to clarify what the differences are and talk about them in an easy to understand way
with compassion and acceptance."

"The Enneagram has given me such great insight into people and what they think about and how to relate to them in the world they live in."

"A Couples Session with Herb is
worth months of counseling with the couples
therapist we were using. Herb gets right to the point, understands us and points out practical ways to bridge the differences."

"Going to Herb's workshops has given me lots of tools to deal with differences and well as understand myself."

"Herb has a great sense of humor and tries to lighten up the seriousness that can happen in relationships. He is a great coach for me on how to relate to my child and my spouse."

"I get to have more understanding on how I tick. I'm more accepting of the way I am."

"Herb knows what he's talking about. He's had years of experience working with personality dynamics, inner struggles and how to maintain self-esteem."

"I like the fact that you have a focus on spiritual development and
letting go of ego."

"You are very intuitive, sensitive to me and really are relating to the world I live in. You really get how I think and how to manage my thoughts
and feelings."